Does Home Depot sell gift cards?

Does Home Depot sell gift cards? Available in plastic or eGift Card options, The Home Depot Gift Cards come in a variety of designs. So, you can personalize your gift card for the occasion, be it a wedding, holiday, new home purchase, Birthday or Mother’s/Father’s Day. Redeem your gift card in store or online.

Can I use a Home Depot gift card at Walmart? Home Depot and Lowe’s gift cards are among those Wal-Mart is accepting. Wal-Mart will award up to 97 percent of a card’s value in exchange for a Wal-Mart card, the article says. To read more, click here.

How long is a Home Depot gift card good for? Both plastic and eGift Cards have no fees or expiration dates and are redeemable at any The Home Depot store or online at

How do I check balance on Home Depot gift card? 

Here’s how to check the balance on your The Home Depot gift card:
  1. Visit any The Home Depot store and ask a cashier to check the balance for you.
  2. Check your balance online.
  3. Call The Home Depot at 1-800-430-3376.

Does Home Depot sell gift cards? – Additional Questions

How do I check my gift card balance?

Start by looking at the back of your gift card. Typically, you’ll find a toll-free number you can call to discover your balance. Or you can check your balance by visiting the card issuer’s site and entering your card’s 16-digit number and security code.

How do I check my gift card balance online?

Here’s how to check a Visa Gift Card balance in three easy steps.
  1. Find the card issuer’s website at the back of your card.
  2. Go to the website and enter your card’s 16-digit number, expiration date, and 3-digit security code (CVV).
  3. Click Check Balance and wait for your gift card balance to appear.

Where is the gift card number on Home Depot?

There are three ways of checking your Home Depot gift card balance: at the store, online, and over the phone. Regardless of the method you choose, you’ll need to find the 19-digit gift card number as well as the 4-digit identification number of your gift card. Both are located at the back of the gift card.

Where is the PIN on a Home Depot gift card?

Tip. Scratch the silver coating off the back of the card to access the Home Depot gift card’s personal identification number, or PIN. You will need this PIN to purchase goods online with the gift card or to check the balance.

How do I use a Home Depot gift card online?

Can you pay Home Depot credit card online?

The easiest way you can make a Home Depot® Credit Card payment is either online, or over the phone at (866) 875-5488. Alternatively, you can pay your Home Depot® Credit Card bill through the mobile app, by mail, or at a branch. The issuer does allow cardholders to set up automatic payments, too.

Can I pay my Home Depot credit card bill with a credit card?

How can I pay my The Home Depot Card bill? You can pay them on doxo with credit card, debit card, Apple Pay or bank account.

Can you pay off a Home Depot credit card with another credit card?

The short answer is no. You can’t pay a credit card with another credit card, except in the case of doing a balance transfer. Balance transfers are not eligible to earn rewards as you’ll find listed in the fine print on any rewards credit card that allows balance transfers.

What bank is Home Depot credit card through?

The Home Depot Consumer Credit Card, issued by Citi, charges no interest for the first six months on purchases of $299 or more. During special promotional periods, you may qualify for up to 24 months of no interest on certain larger purchases.

What is the limit on a Home Depot credit card?

Why Is This Card So Popular? What Does It Give Me? The Home Depot Project Loan gives cardholders an extremely large line of credit (up to $55,000), 6 months to make purchases, and up to 9.5 years to pay it all off.

Does applying for Home Depot card affect credit score?

It’s a quick, “soft” credit check that won’t impact your credit score.

Is Home Depot credit card only for Home Depot?

No, you cannot use your Home Depot® Credit Card everywhere. You can’t use the Home Depot® Credit Card outside of Home Depot stores and the Home Depot website, because it’s a store card.

What credit score do you need to get a Home Depot project loan?

The minimum credit score for a Home Depot Project Loan is 620. That means if your score is any lower, you’ll need to look for another form of financing. Once you’ve submitted your information, Home Depot will be able to tell you if you’re eligible for a project loan.

How many credit cards should I have to build credit?

You only need one card to build a good score

For most people, the easiest way to do this is to get a credit card, use it conscientiously and make payments on time. This will add up to a lot of positive information on your credit reports, and, consequently, a better credit score.

Is it hard to get a Home Depot card?

A FICO® Score of at least 600 is recommended to apply for The Home Depot Consumer Credit Card, and a score of 640 or higher gives you better approval odds. Applicants who get this card usually have scores in the fair credit or good credit range.

Is 640 a good credit score?

Your score falls within the range of scores, from 580 to 669, considered Fair. A 640 FICO® Score is below the average credit score. Some lenders see consumers with scores in the Fair range as having unfavorable credit, and may decline their credit applications.

What is a fair credit score?

If you have a fair credit score, your credit score ranges between 580 and 669 points. You don’t have bad credit, but you don’t have great credit either. Here’s how the FICO credit scoring system ranks credit scores: Exceptional: 800-850.