Where can I turn my gift cards into cash?

Where can I turn my gift cards into cash? Two of the most well known sites selling unwanted gift cards are Cardpool and Raise. Cardpool buys cards directly from you for up to 92 percent of the original value. Cardpool can send you the money via direct deposit into your bank account or an e-gift card for Amazon or Walmart. Another option is Raise.

Where can I sell my gift card legit? The smart and safe way to sell unwanted gift cards is to use a well-known legitimate gift card exchange, such as Giftcards.com, Cardpool, CardKangaroo, CardCash, ABC Gift Cards or Raise.com.

Does Coinstar give you cash for gift cards? Does Coinstar give gift cards? Coinstar does give gift cards in exchange for cash! All you have to do is go to a Coinstar kiosk, choose the gift card you want, put your coins in the slot and you’ll receive your gift card to use online or in-store. What is this?

Does CardCash pay instantly? Payout only takes 1-2 business days, which is a lot faster than most of the websites we reviewed. You can also opt to trade your unwanted gift card for one from another retailer, in which case you can expect to get up to 11 percent more than you would if you just sold it.

Where can I turn my gift cards into cash? – Additional Questions

How can I turn a gift card into cash instantly?

Best Places to Sell Gift Cards Online Instantly
  1. Card Kangaroo. Card Kangaroo is the first option on your list for selling your gift cards.
  2. Clip Kard.
  3. GiftCard Granny.
  4. Raise.com.
  5. CardCash.
  6. GC Spread.
  7. Gift Card Bin.
  8. Where Can I Sell iTunes Gift Cards?

What app turns gift cards into cash?

Prepaid2Cash: Instantly turn your prepaid & gift cards into cash! Enjoy spending the money on your gift cards wherever you want. Deposit prepaid cards or gift cards in your bank account, debit card, or Bitcoin Wallet. Prepaid2Cash supports Visa, American Express, Mastercard, Target, Nike, and hundreds of other brands.

How long does it take to get the money from CardCash?

Once CardCash approves your transaction, it takes up to 48 hours to process your payment. Depending on which payment method you choose, it will take up to a week for you to receive the money.

How long does it take gift cash to pay you?

While GiftCash accepts gift cards from a smaller number of merchants, its payout is up to 93% of the value of your card. Sell gift cards with balances ranging from $25 to $2,500. More popular store brands receive higher payouts. Once you sell your card to GiftCash, you’ll receive a PayPal payment within 48 hours.

Can you trust CardCash?

Despite the possible caveats, there are good reasons to trust CardCash with your money. For one thing, the site buys the cards from those looking to sell gift cards, and you buy from the site. CardCash are the only ones who’ll see your financial information, so any risk you’re taking ends with them.

How can I sell gift cards online instantly?

Prepaid2Cash is a great app to sell your unused gift cards because they’ll buy most brand or cards. No matter the store, restaurant, or arcade you have a gift card for, this platform is happy to purchase it. They will also give you up to 92% of the cards value but the value will depend on the brand.

Does Target have a gift card exchange kiosk?

Meanwhile, Target has a different exchange process for Visa gift cards. Call the nearby store to check if they have gift card exchange machines. Go to that location and look for the kiosk, which looks like an ATM. Provide the card’s details, then accept the offer that you want and wait for the voucher to be printed.

Does Walmart trade gift cards for cash?

Nonreturnable; not for resale. Notwithstanding anything contained in these Terms and Conditions, Walmart plastic Gift Cards and eGift Cards (“Walmart Gift Cards”) are not returnable or refundable for cash except in states where required by law. Resale of Walmart Gift Cards is strictly prohibited.

Does GameStop buy gift cards 2022?

Consumers who have gift cards they don’t want now have the opportunity to trade them in for something else or cash.

What gift cards does Coinstar exchange accept?

Here is what you can do with your spare coins at a Coinstar kiosk: Exchange coins for notes. Use your coins to get eGift cards.

Coinstar partners with over 150 stores and restaurants to provide eGift cards in exchange for cash at their kiosk.

  • Gap.
  • Starbucks.
  • Amazon.
  • Apple.
  • Lowe’s.
  • Nike.
  • Red Robin.
  • Sephora.

Does GameStop buy gift cards for cash?

Customers also don’t have to let unwanted gift cards from other retailers go unredeemed, those gift cards can be exchanged or converted into cash at GameStop to bolster their budget.

Do all Coinstars buy gift cards?

Coinstar Exchange accepts gift cards from more than 150 stores and restaurants. You can sell more than one card at a time. The one downside of the service, and what will probably keep it from catching on, is that you have to have at least $20 left on the gift card.

How do I sell unused gift cards?

Still, here are eight websites and apps to sell unused gift cards online:
  1. CardCash.
  2. GiftCash.
  3. Raise.
  4. ClipKard.
  5. Gameflip.
  6. QuickcashMI.
  7. GiftCardBin.
  8. CardSell.

Can I sell my gift card at GameStop?

GameStop offers physical and electronic (digital) gift cards which you can sell at the price you want on Raise. Sellers discount GameStop gift cards at an average 12%, and they will typically sell within 1-4 days!

How can you check how much money is on a gift card?

Start by looking at the back of your gift card. Typically, you’ll find a toll-free number you can call to discover your balance. Or you can check your balance by visiting the card issuer’s site and entering your card’s 16-digit number and security code.

Is raise legit?

Is Raise Legit? Raise is a legitimate company. Not only is the website cleaner and more user-friendly than its competitors it also offers a 1-year money-back guarantee on any gift cards that users purchase that are not active, have an inaccurate balance, or are otherwise different than described in the listing.

Can you buy a gift card with a gift card?

Gift cards are easy to regift, but sometimes the amount on the card is an odd value (e.g. $23.42) or is more than you want to give someone. If you take the gift card to the issuing store, you may be able to use it to buy a new gift card (or cards) in the dollar amount you want.